Community News
Rotary Meeting Venue Change
Rotary Club of Caulfield has changed it's meeting venue.
We are now meeting at Murrumbeena Bowling Club at 10 Blackwood St. Carnegie
You are welcome to attend with us.
Information about meetings from Merv Ritter, President, on
Anthony Breslin's Big Frog Mural Wall 2022
Anthony Breslin has gifted a very large mural on Big Frog on the wall in Murrumbeena.
This came about when Anthony wished to give a gift to Murrumbeena, the Land of Frogs.
The wall follows the book he has written called Brezania - the Big Frog. It is a children's story that adults also enjoy
Op Shops and Environmental Sustainability

The Op Shop and Environmental Sustainability project was launched on 1st May, 2022
The booklet with information was shared with all present.
There are ideas on why to use op shops, How to Reduce, Reuse, Restore, Repair, Repurpose, Recycle and Upcycle many various items such as clothing, household goods etc.
Biggest Morning Tea for Cancer support

On 19th May we held a Morning Tea for Cancer support
A lovely morning tea was presented for those present.
Great fellowship happened as people joined us
Murrumbeena Community Art Garden - update
On a very windy, stormy day late last year, the fence containing about 300 tiles painted by member of the community, preschools, school, disabled, senior citizens and others was blown down.
On 15th May, Artists, Rotarians and a church member restored the artwork to its previous glory.
Tags: art, artists, gardens, community involvement
Read more...Cityscape Murrumbeena 2019
Children's activitiy to celebrate frog's in their natural environment.
Frogs have long been a feature of Murrumbeena and were all over the area just a short time ago.
Feed Frankie the Frog was put a bug in the frogs mouth while blindfolded. A fun activity that the children enjoyed.
Comments (0)Tags: frogs, intercommunity activities, children
Read more...Art of Dance Exhibition

Dance is performance or participatory art expressed through the human body in motion. This Exhibition celebrates that art and the art which it inspires - music, choreography, designs for costumes and scenery and the depiction of dance and dancers through photography, sculpture, drawing and painting.
Tags: dance, art, costumes, photos, sculpture, set design
Read more...Cityscape Elsternwick - art in the urban environment

Come and observe the artists at work in the Elsternwick Plaza and between the Elsternwick Station and Orrong Road.
Get position directions from the Rotary tent.
Children can come and do their own art work too.
If you would like to take part in this great experience, book on 9568 7190 or 0438 774 679 or email
Tags: artists, community involvement, art, exhibition
Cityscape Elsternwick - Exhibition

Come and see the finished art work from the Cityscape Elsternwick - art in the urban environment day (November 6th)
Venue:- Glen Eira City Council Gallery Annexe cnr Glen Eira Road and Hawthorn Road, Caulfield
from 26th November to 11th December.
Gallery open Monday to Friday 10 am to 5 pm
Weekends 1 pm to 5 pm.
more information from 9568 7190 or 0438 774 679 or
Tags: art, artists, community involvement
Read more...Glen Eira Artists Society Exhibition
Glen Eira Artists Society will be holding an Art Exhibition in the Glen Eira Town Hall Gallery from 14th April to 1st May.
Diarise the dates. The Exhibition will be open from 10.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday, 2.00pm to 5.00 pm Saturday and Sundays.
Club Attendance Award
While at Rotary District 9800 Annual Conference in Hobart, Tasmania our club had the privilege of winning the CLUB ATTENDANCE AWARD.
We had 80% of our club in attendance. We all enjoyed our time in Hobart and thought it was a very good Conference.
The icing on the cake was winning this award.
Fundraising BBQ's
Our regular BBQ's are now held at the back of Woolworths, Glen Huntly store in Glen Huntly Rd, Glen Huntly.
We find this a great time to get together with local shoppers and our team for a chat and laugh.
We are often entertained while we are there, with young local musicians and singers.
We do not have a boring moment while we are there.
Murrumbeena Art Project
Wonderful community art project is underway in Murrumbeena.
Totem poles are now standing in the ground waiting for their "heads" to be added in a few short weeks
Tiles painted by local residents, Scope and Yooralla members, Uniting Church members, Glen Eira Artists Society members and Rotarians were installed to the wall and fence today.
Situated at the Koonang Uniting Church, in Murrumbeena Road, Murrumbeena. The official opening was on 25th October.
Tags: art, community involvement
Read more...Classic Residence Stall
Our club was represented at the Open Day of Classic Residence in Brighton.
Our aim was to make people aware of the Honey Bee and to assist it in any way possible - such as having water with stepping stones for the bees to land on.
We had a lot of honey to let people sample and some bee products for sale
Tags: community involvement
Read more...District Assembly 2014
District Governor Elect, Murray Verso, the District Learning and Development Team and the Rotary Club of Melton invite all District 9800 Clubs and Rotarians to attend Rotary Illuminated – the 2014 District Assembly on Sunday May 18 2014
Sustainable House
On Sunday, May 25th, a group of 8 of us (including honouraries) from Caulfield Rotary, paid a visit to Sustainable House, in Elsternwick. See what can be achieved with a lot of thought and careful planning.
Artist's Exhibition Glen Eira

Members of the Glen Eira Artists' Society Inc., are holding their first major Exhibition at Glen Eira Gallery from Thursday Sunday 19th June to 13th July at the Glen Eira Auditorium, Glen Eira Road, Caulfield, cnr Hawthorn Road.
Tags: art
Read more...Bee Interest Group meeting
Bee Interest Group meets monthly to discuss the latest events and actions in the world relating to Bees.
We discuss - Bee Keeping in general and specific attention that needs to be given for the Bees,things that can be done to help the Bees in our gardens, - for example planting plants that are attractive to bees and will give them pollen.
We often have honey tastings too.
And currently we are arranging the Honey Festive on 5th July, 2014.
Tags: bee, honey, beekeeping, apiculture, fundraising
Read more...Monthly Sausage Sizzles
We have a monthly sausage sizzles outside Prahran Safeway. Locals are used to seeing a Rotary sausage sizzle there each week, and we take our turn once every 4 weeks or so. It does of course rely on the voluntary work of our members. If you're in the area make sure that you come and grab one of our sausages.
Tags: fundraising, sausage-sizzle